Friday, January 27, 2012

Please give Copyright to me if u want to put my graphics at your blog. Please do not Re-Edit it.Once more,  Please Do Not Copy! I give this message for AngelSpringGirl. 1 Question. Why do u copy and re-edit my graphics. And you delete the "by: QintharaTaqiy" sign and put the WRONG MODEL NAME!

And.. i agree to someone who Advertisement my blog + my graphics. Not Copying. 

Thats it. If someone dare to copy me. Im out >.<

(beneran sekarang dan akhir akhir ini suka males main stardoll kalo ada copier ya :|)
 (C) QintharaTaqiy , dont copy!

Monday, January 23, 2012

New Graphic *langgam*

So, here's my new graphic, and the model.. is... langgam :)
So, thanks for asking me ^^ And thanks for being my model. Please like it :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Graphic *GeorgiaLuvBerry*

So, i made a graphic with a special person in it! Yeah, it is GeorgiaLuvBerry
So here's my graphic:
I am a little bit inspired of Adele because of the dress *.* Open her suite now!
Please like it i done it with a hard work :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Graphic *AngelSpringGirl*

So, my model now is.. AngelSpringGirl, so here's my graphic :)
So, all, i hope you like it, but i know you will not like the fingers those are bad >,< Sorry, and btw thx AngelSpringGirl to be our model :)

For Stardoll

dress up dolls

Friday, January 20, 2012

New Graphic *MichelleNewAs*

So, here's my new graphic, the Model is MichelleNewAs! So here's my graphic..
Please give it a thumbs :) And enjoy your graphic, Michelle! :)
And thx to be my model too

New Graphic *HeartMartyMarty*

So, here's my new graphic:... Btw the model is HeartMartyMarty :)

Sorry, if its bad, yeah,it is bad :'( But please still give it a thums at least 1, or maybe half :P and dont forget to follow!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Graphic *aafiyahn*

Hey, long time no post, sorry, its because i dont have models, hehe ^.^
So, this is my model..., so this is my new graphic! aafiyahn, thx for asking :)

Hehe, sorry if its little effect-y, hehe, so, thx again to be my model :)

dont forget to visit her (HERE), and vote her.
(and just follow my blog, hehe)

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Graphic *kireinanina*

So, here's my new model.. kireinanina!
btw..., thx for being my model, we r so glad to have a wonderful model!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Only-Face, WalkWalkQueen

*this is my thanks for putting me in your blog ^.^*
Here's my give :)

thx for be my model and ... thx for u're face graphic u made to me ^^
love u, haha!

New Graphic *Lily.Yellow*

Now, look at my gorgeous model.. Lily.Yellow! She's so cute and glam, dont forget to vote for her, haha.
so, thx Lily.Yellow to be our great model ^^

:Please comment and follow ^^

Saturday, January 7, 2012

7th Graphic - StarDoll_Lusy

Hey guys, im still here, now its 11.16 pm! haha, i really cant get sleepy :P So, i make a new graphic and the model is....., StarDoll_Lusy. Hehe, i think its my most great graphic i ever made :P

and btw, thx StarDoll_Lusy to become my model, hehe. I really love your face, its match with my graphic and my idea haha ^^ I put so many random hair so it looks like they're real :)

Please follow and leave comments

Sixth Graphic - desymutiara

Hey guys, im still here its 10.30 now! Okay, my new model is ...., desymutiara! hehe, i choose u becuase ur face is so awesome, hehe :) So, here they are:
Sorry if its not as cool as the other, but i think its cool, hehe ^.^ So, thx kak desymutiara to become our model :P

Please follow & Comment :P

Fifth Graphic - faleriza_olindi

Hey guys, i know its 09.30, but i really dont feel sleepy, i get bored then, i made this graphic :P
And, our model now is... faleriza_olindi! I know she's from Bali, so i make these for her :) I think its so spoecial for her, but, i dont know :?
So, hope you like it, faleriza_olindi, btw im still supporting you about the 'indonesian' club problem, i try to contact stardoll :) 

And, please follow this blog, i work really hard on this blog :P

Fourth Graphic - AngGieCho

here's my model for this fourth graphic ....., AngGieCho

thx anggiecho :)

Third graphic - AnisHKSweet

Yeah, i just made a new graphic and the model is AnisHKSweet
thx Anis, for being my model, hehe

love, QintharaTaqiy

Friday, January 6, 2012

Second Graphic

Im bored so i design this graphic, hehe :) Please tell me your oponion about this :P and thx VogueEsthetruth :P

First Graphic

This is actually my first good-graphic. What's your oponion is it good? Or should i change it a little bit, hehe.. Im just a starter. I cant do anyting good as the profesional graphic designer, hehe.